By : An Davos
Several times, if everytine terror act is happened, several mass media and an international prominent figures are judged that the perpetrators are moslem or Islam believers. Eventhough several terror acts have been triggering by white extremistm and white infidels.
Yesterday, a white infidels and white extremistm had shot moslem who were prayed at mosque in Quebeck, Canada
From those facts, we can say that it turns out that the terrorist is not Moslems, but White Infidels. An indiscriminate shooting at a Mosque I Quebeck Canada on Sunday night 2nd February 2020 which killed 6 people. Local police have arrested two shooting suspects.
Previously, last year in New Zealand, white infidels and white extremistm had shot moslems which caused at least 50 people were killed and dozens were wounded. Finally, the prepetrator did not take firmly sentences. It seems like not fair for moslems around the world, because they wanted the perpetrator must be sentenced by death penalty.
Inevitably and being concerns nowadays moslems have always been cornering if terrorist has occurred, because without check and recheck, several global mass media including in Indonesia are suddenly cornered with unbalance indepht reporting. Neither fair nor neutral, several mass media have made negative images to moslems around the world. They must aware on it, because the God always see what we do and write or report. Hopefully.
The writer is an international issues columnist.