By Orbita and E. Erlangga. S
everal labor organization will held labor strikes which is slated on April 30, 2020 in Jakarta and several provinces to avoid omnibus law. Now, labor leaders have intensified their propaganda on social media to gather labor, unemployment, students or BEM and others support and involvement.
Unfortunely, several students leaders both President of them are rejecting to join in the next labor strikes plan which is designed by KSPI, MPBI and others groups. At least, there are several reasons which is triggering BEM does not join in labor strikes against omnibus law such as the outbreak of Covid 19 around Indonesia, the implementation of PSBB, April and May are holly month for Moslem and the National Police does not give strikes permition so that the next labor strikes against omnibus law is an illegal strikes and whoever which are involved on those moment is violating state regulation, because of that, the security apparatus can disperse those next labor strikes and maybe will detain their mass coordinator, orator, an intellectual actors and others who are designing and planing those next labor strikes. So that, i think it is a humble and wisdom way if the labour organization want to cancel their plan. Hopefully.
The writer are columnist.